- COMPANY Company History
The Foundation
- 12Completion of new factor expansion (1,366.6 / FAB 345 square meter)
- 12Designated as a promising small export enterprise (Daejeon Chungnam Small Business Administration)
- 08Conclusion of Agreement of industry-academy cooperation project (Cheonan Technical High School)
- 02PCB Manufacturing Equipment exported to China (Vertical Separator)
- 12PCB manufacturing equipment exported to China (Vertical type developing machine)
- 11Registered as a Venture Business (Technology Evaluation Guaranteed Company)
- 10PCB Manufacturing equipment exported to China (Vertical type developing machine)
- 04Creation of Corporation’s Research Center
- 10Head office relocation (6,250㎡)
- 07PCB DF / SR Developing machine OEM production and supply (SAMSUNG ELECTRO-MECHANICS)
- 01Established corporation<Establishment:2011.01>
Growth Phase
- 12Completion of the second plant construction
- (6,923㎡/3,292㎡, Asan Techno Valley, Fab-4)
- 12A top award of $ 5 million in exports
- 12Bencheo promotion promotion (Industry Minister citation)
- 08Hanwha Q cells Solar manufacturing equipment delivered
- 07PCB manufacturing equipment exported to China
- 05Participated in ShangHai SNEC 2016 Exhibition
- 05Expansion of third factory (991㎡)
- 05supply of Solar Equipment to LG
- 04PCB manufacturing equipment exported to China
- 02PCB PCB development equipment exported to Japan
- 02Certified as SME (INNO-BIZ)
- 01Certified as Management Innovative SME (MAIN-BIZ)
- 11Venture Business Registered (Technology Evaluation Guaranteed Company)
- 01ISO 9001 Company certified